The Dakar Declaration, fruit of the 2nd International Conference on the Sahara, for dialogue and peace, includes its concrete proposal to negotiate with Morocco the content of autonomy for the Sahara and demands international recognition.
The Sahraoui Peace Movement has broadened its proposal to negotiate with Morocco concrete measures to give substance to the autonomy proposed by Rabat to the United Nations as a formula for achieving a credible, truthful and acceptable solution for all to the Sahara conflict.
In the Dakar Declaration, resulting from the debates and interventions of the 2nd International Conference on the Sahara, for dialogue and peace, organized by the MSP with the collaboration of the African Center for Strategic Intelligence for Peace (CIS) and where, in its second session, the CIS was invited to participate in the development of an action plan for the Sahara Peace) and where in its second session personalities from Nigeria, Senegal, Chile, France and Spain, among others, intervened in support, the Sahraoui political movement calls on the United Nations to appoint its special envoy for the Sahara, Steffan de Mistura to promote a new round of negotiations with all parties and that the MSP be included at the negotiating table for having obtained over the years the support and rebirth of thousands of Sahraouis, including leaders of tribes from different regions, including a letter sent from the Tindouf camps in Algeria.
Overall representation of the Sahraouis The MSP succeeded in bringing together in Dakar a global representation of the Sahraouis, demonstrating its capacity for representation and its willingness to present itself in an electoral process so that the Sahraouis can elect their representatives as an alternative to the exclusivist position of the polisario front. The MSP asks to be recognized as a relevant political actor in the representation of Sahraouis to governments in the region such as Morocco and Algeria, and influential countries such as the United States, France and Spain.
The declaration also presents a concrete and detailed plan of the main issues to be negotiated with Morocco in order to give clear content to the most important issues concerning the organization of institutions and services for citizens. The MSP recognizes the power of the King in the areas of defense, interior, foreign affairs and religion and proposes an agreement for the management of other sectors.
Tribute to Colonel Ortíz
The Conference paid a deserved and sincere tribute to the late Colonel of the Guardia Civil, Miguel Angel Ortíz Asín, founder of the Sahraoui Forum of the Canaries and one of the Spanish personalities who knew the Sahraoui reality, having dealt with representatives of all tribes during his long career in the Sahara.
The Canarian professor Rafael Esparza was responsible for speaking some words of remembrance, a compilation of the work carried out by Colonel Ortiz, which is now maintained by his son Ignacio Ortiz, and received a tribal stick of respect and recognition from the hands of the first secretary of the Sahraoui Movement for Peace, Hach Ahmed Bericalla.