In a humanist logic that preserves the dignity and rights of immigrants, Morocco has structured its migration policy under the guidelines of His Majesty The King Mohammed VI.
In this way, Morocco has regularized the situation of more than 50.000 citizens from African countries who came to Morocco as illegal immigrants and who were easily integrated in the Moroccan society and are, now, benefiting from the same rights as Moroccan citizens (education, health, work opportunities…).
This integration policy allows to the African citizens, regularly settled in Morocco, to become true incubators of potential that enrich and make a diversity inside the Moroccan society.
Unfortunately, this dimension is hampered by some criminal actions of traffic network that instrumentalizes the victims’ weaknesses and pushes them toward dangerous adventures.
In this context, a big violent attempt assault was perpetrated in 24.06.2022, in Nador, is to deplore. It was an operation well-orchestrated by a human mafia network that gathered more than 500 illegal sub-Saharan migrants to cross the fence between Nador and Melilla.
Those assailants, who were infiltrated from the borders with Algeria, were armed and used violence against Moroccan forces, attacked them and wounded 140 agents. In the assailants’ side, 23 were dead and 76 injured following the use of a narrowed corridors by a massive influx of illegal immigrants which caused a stampede.
Praised by many countries, especially African, for the efforts of its forces to repress the attackers, and despite this human tragedy, Moroccan stays determined to continue its actions against traffic network and to work on the national immigration and asylum strategy in partnership with the concerned countries in North and South.
It is to highlight that Morocco dismantled more than 1.300 networks during the last five years and aborted more than 360.000 immigration attempts since 2017. In addition, Morocco has organized a volunteer return to their countries of more than 8.100 African citizens.