Another proof of the dangerous collusion between the polisario and Hezbollah, close to Iran, has just been unveiled by the Defense Channel of the i24NEWS, which pointed out that “if Europeans do not become aware of this problem today, it will already be too late tomorrow.”
An exclusive report by the Defense Channel of i24NEWS revealed recently how the polisario Front, which operates from Tindouf in Algeria, organized a large-scale money laundering network based in Spain, used for the financing of terrorist actions, and how the polisario is linked to Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Based on reports by a Western country’s intelligence services and Spain’s Guardia Civil forces, the magazine identified Ahmed Abderrahman as the mastermind of the money laundering network, which used an informal method of transferring money through brokers, called Hawala.
As the head of the Hawala, dubbed “Tirs,” Abderrahman had very close ties with the leaders of the polisario front and sponsored networks operating from Tindouf to Europe and well beyond, including in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
In its report, the Defense Channel presented exclusive examples of several bank accounts opened in Spain and Ireland connected to “Tirs.” The channel also revealed very close ties between the polisario front and Lebanon’s Shiite Islamist movement Hezbollah, through the Hawala.
The report showed Abderrahman seated at a cafe in a European country, where he met with a Lebanese businessman from al-Qard al-Hasan – the financial arm of Hezbollah. He was heard declaring his loyalty to the extremist group.
“I love Hezbollah. Despite the struggles in Lebanon, I love what it does. Hezbollah is special. I am Sunni, and yet I love it because its men keep their word. They proved their strength in the 2006 war against Israel… and many countries are afraid of them,” he said.
The Defense Channel quoted a former European intelligence agent as saying that “if the Europeans do not become aware of this problem today, it will already be too late tomorrow.”