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A Spanish report denies Morocco had spied on its leaders

Morocco does not exercise any interference in Spain’s internal affairs, according to a report drawn up by the Spanish counter-espionage. 

The document points to hostile actions carried out on Spanish territory by Russia and China.

This observation should disappoint the right-wing and far-right oppositions who continue to accuse Morocco of being behind the spying on the phones of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, Defense Minister Margarita Robles, and Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska.

The Popular Party (PP) and Vox attribute Sanchez's support for the Moroccan autonomy plan in the Sahara to Morocco's supposed hacking of his phone, an allegation that a PP senator repeated last Tuesday during a heated exchange with Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares.

In June 2022, the Spanish intelligence services ruled out the Moroccan lead regarding the hacking of the phones of the three members of the government. 

The report also supports the testimony of senior Spanish intelligence executives on November 28, 2022 before a European Parliament committee responsible for investigating the use of Israel’s Pegasus spyware.

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